Julian Stoddart
PHONE 06 769 5634
© 2021 Good Bones Orthopaedics Ltd
A knee arthroscopy is commonly known as keyhole surgery. This operation involves inserting a tube into the knee that has a camera connected to it. The inside of the knee can be seen and problems identified. Through additional small incisions, surgical tools can be introduced to treat some problems.
A knee arthroscopy allows inspection of the joint and treatment of some conditions
Patients with:
The surgery can be performed through two small incisions
Recovery depends on what is found and what procedure is carried out inside the joint. Typically patients are ready for office type work within 10 days and heavier type work within 3 - 4 weeks. Physiotherapy is sometimes required.
A knee arthroscopy is often successful at resolving mechanical knee symptoms such as the knee catching or jamming from a torn cartilage disc. The success rate falls if there are degenerative changes present in the knee.
All operations carry some risk. Knee arthroscopy has a very low complication rate.
Risks common to all operations include:
Risks particular to knee arthroscopy include:
Knee arthroscopy is the operation Julian performs most frequently. Preoperatively Julian will give you a comprehensive patient handout expanding on the material presented here. Post operatively he will supply you with a self managed rehabilitation program, a report detailing the findings at your surgery and photos of the inside of your knee joint.
If you think you may need a knee arthroscopy please arrange a consultation with Julian Stoddart. You will receive a comprehensive assessment of your knee to determine if this operation is right for you.
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