Julian Stoddart
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Julian consults at Orthopaedic house. Orthopaedic House is located at 34 Mt Edgcumbe Street, New Plymouth.
There is limited parking up the driveway to the right of Orthopaedic House and it can be quite a tight park to maneuver around. There is non-metered parking surrounding Orthopaedic House. If you park on the street walk up the drive to our entrance at the back of the building.
Please try and be 5 minutes early to your appointment. We try very hard to run to time. If you are late it delays all the patients following you. If you cannot attend your appointment or are delayed for reasons beyond your control please try and call us. Patients late for their appointments may be re-scheduled.
New appointments are usually for 20 minutes with follow ups being 10 - 15 minutes. Sometimes you need to be sent for an X-ray which can add significantly to your appointment time.
Monday 8.20am to 5.00pm
Tuesday 8.20am to 5.00pm
Wednesday 10.00am to 4.00pm
Thursday 10.00am to 4.00pm
Friday 10.00am to 1.00pm
X-rays taken in New Plymouth are delivered to the rooms electronically across the Internet. There is no need for you to bring X-rays unless you have X-rays from out of town.
You will almost always need an examination so please wear appropriate clothing.
You are always welcome to have the nurse present when you are examined. If you require this please let the doctor or nurse know.
You are welcome to bring a support person, relative or friend to your appointment.
Please bring all your ACC paper work to your appointment. ACC patients require an ARC18 form for time off work. We will complete an ARC18 for you. If you are going to need long-term ACC you may be referred to your GP for further ARC18s as they are limited to 90 days.
We can complete insurance forms but often not straight away. Please leave these with us. Depending on the type of form there may be a charge.
If you are an ACC patient there is normally no surcharge to pay as the consultation is covered by ACC. Private patients can pay on the day or we can send an invoice. We have EFT-POS and accept cheque or cash. Internet payment is also acceptable. Our bank details with ANZ are
If paying on-line please include your name in the reference field.
We do accept credit card payments but for amounts over $500 there is a merchant surcharge of 2%
The rooms can be very busy and we cannot always make it to the telephone. If you have trouble getting through please leave a message or keep trying or e-mail us.
If you have an urgent medical concern please call at any time. If you cannot contact us call the emergency department at Base Hospital (06 753 6139).
You can fax us on 06 769 5633.