Julian Stoddart
Orthopaedic Surgeon
If you have a lower limb problem and would like to see Julian please contact us at Orthopaedic House (06 769 5634).
ACC patients need to see a primary health care provider (like a GP or physiotherapist) to obtain an ACC claim number. Once the claim is accepted there is no charge to see Julian but a letter of referral from a primary health care provider is needed.
Private patients (either those with medical insurance or self funding) can contact Orthopaedic House (06 769 5634) directly. Alternatively, private patients can contact their GP or physiotherapist for a referral to Julian.
As Julian only works in private practice he cannot offer access to public hospital surgical waiting lists. All his surgery is performed at Southern Cross Hospital (including ACC work). Funding for surgery at Southern Cross comes from ACC, private insurance or self funding.