Further Referral Letter Improvements
The lastest version of the letter referral form is now live on the web site. This
- Improves date management
- Makes it easier to email the letter to Good Bones Orthopaedics Ltd
- The letter now forms the body of the e-mail
Referral Letter Version 2
The rapid referal letter has been up dated. The interface has been simplified and there is now the ability to return your form by e-mail.
Click on the region your are referring about and a list of tick boxes will appear to help with your letter.
We will e-mail a response to all the referals recieved by e-mail so you can be sure we have received it.
Please don't hesitate to post feedback or suggestions.
Referral Form Updated
The rapid referal form has now been updated to include the date of referral on the completed letter.
The next step is to make the form returnable via e-mail.
Welcome to Good Bones News
I am currently developing the Good Bones website to be both informative for patients and helpful to referrers.
The Rapid Referral Letter has been well received. I have added a drop down list of referrers to make it easy to select your practice.
The next step in developing the letter will be to make it returnable via e-mail. This work is progressing well.
Please do not hesitate to e-mail suggestions for either the referral letter or the website.